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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start or join BannerExchanges.com?
Joining BannerExchanges.com is easy.  Just start by reading this and then click on the "I agree" link.  There are directions that help you as you proceed.

How big should my banner be?  Your banner should be 468X60 pixels and less than 25K in disc space.

Can I have an animated banner on this exchange?  Yes you can.

How does BannerExchanges.com help me?  BannerExchanges.com is a free banner exchange that can increase traffic to your site.  For every two person's banners you show on your site, your banner will be shown on someone else's site thus making BannerExchanges.com a 2:1 ratio.  This is a proven tool for effective advertising.

Ok, What's the gimmick?  No gimmick. BannerExchanges.com is a totally free service to anyone who wants to use it.  No fees to pay, no hidden catches.  

That sounds great.  But am I obligated to stay with BannerExchanges.com? Absolutely not.  You can request to have your account removed whenever you want.  It's up to you, but we bet you'll want to stay.

Alright, I'm at the login page, now what?  Great, just enter a username for your account, like "tom23" or "sallygirl", and then enter your secret password and write it down.  Remember, the password is case sensitive.

What does case sensitive mean?  It means that if you entered your password as 'MyBannEr'  and tried to use 'mYbaNner' as a password, it would not work.  Those are two totally different passwords.

What is the URL of my site?  If you own your domain name, your URL would be 'http://www.mydomainname.com'.  But if you have free web hosting, your URL would be 'http://www.geocities.com/example/somenumber/yourpage.htm(l).

What is the URL of my banner?  If you own your domain name, all you need to enter is 'http://www.mydomainname.com/thebanner.gif'.  For free web hosting, enter 'http://www.geocities.com/example/somenumber/thebanner.gif' if that is where you have the banner stored.

How do I put the banner code on my web page?  You'll get a snippet of HTML code to use on your pages (the code will show the network banners). Simply paste the code in, upload your pages and you're ready to go!  

If just copying and pasting the code into the html on my web page does not work, what next?  Copy the HTML code from your account status page (the page after the login page) or your welcome email onto 'Notepad' and then copy it from Notepad into the HTML on your web page. 

Can my account get deleted?  Your account can be deleted by the support team of Banner Exchanges at our sole discretion.  Reasons for getting deleted would include but would not be limited to:  cheating (usually spotted from unusual statistics), not filling in your website address when you sign up, not uploading your banner to our system in a timely manner (like 3 weeks), not putting our code on your site in a timely manner (like 3 weeks), becoming inactive, use of competing banner programs on the same page as our banner and any other abuses that would alter results of the system.   Please follow our terms of use page and be responsible.

I still need help, what do I do?  Simply email us, describing your problem and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.  If you need help making a banner, just GO HERE and ask us to make one for you.

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